
Lack of modern extraction methods for chromium hampering environment in Pakistan

January 23, 2025

Faiza Tehseen

Lack of latest processing and extraction methods for chromium is causing severe environmental hazards in Pakistan. "Poorly managed chromium extraction leads to soil and water contamination, and harms both ecosystem and local communities,” said Abdul Bashir, chief geologist with Koh-e-Daleel Mining Company Private Limited, a Balochistan-based firm.

Speaking to WealthPK, he said: “Advanced techniques are direly needed for the extraction and processing of chromium into value-added products.” However, he said, the lack of modern techniques is causing yield inefficiencies, low capitalisation and less profits in most chromium mines. Bashir said chrome ore mining operations lack safety measures for labourers. “A monthly medical check-up of workers should be compulsory for mine owners.

Workers should be equipped with safety gear to avoid fatalities in unpleasant incidents inside mines.” The miner also called for setting up chrome upgradation plants away from residential areas to avoid health hazards. He said regular inspection of plants should be ensured to check safety compatibility. He said safe removal or recovery of chromium from waste is of major significance for economic and environmental sustainability. He said Pakistan needs to attract foreign investment in the mining sector for its sustainable development.

“Government policies incentivising the mining industry development along with the initiatives to promote environmentally friendly mining practices are crucial to unlock the true potential of chromium,” Bashir stressed.  Talking to WealthPK, Imran Babar, a geologist and miner, said: “Chromium is a versatile metal widely used in the manufacturing of electronics and in various industrial applications. It is mined in Balochistan on a large scale. Chromium ore mining and processing can have environmental and health impacts as well.”

He said that chromium compounds can be carcinogenic and toxic. “To mitigate potential risks, and ensure the sustainable production practices, proper safety measures are necessary to be considered.” Babar said conventional extraction and processing of chromium ore is causing both economic and environmental losses. “The government should support chrome miners by providing them with low-cost extraction and processing equipment. Easy bank credit should also be extended to enable them to modernise their operations.”

Credit: INP-WealthPk